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Dis­cover the ar­chipelago by bike!

On Kimitoön there are sev­eral good bi­cyc­ling routes that con­nect you to the cul­ture and nature of the ar­chipelago. Take a bike ride around Dragsfjärden or head out into the ar­chipelago to hear the whis­pers of the Vik­ing Age in Ros­ala and Hitis. You can take shorter day routes, or the over 200 kilo­metre long Coastal Route, which is one of the most ver­sat­ile bi­cyc­ling routes in south­ern Fin­land. The Coastal Route passes through iron­works vil­lages and vil­lages of the ar­chipelago, na­tional parks, and beau­ti­ful coun­tryside land­scapes.

Day trips with bike

The pro­posed day trips are cyc­ling rides of around 15-35 kilo­met­ers. Do a cul­tural ride around Dragsfjärden, go for a smell of fig wind in Hiit­tis and Ros­ala or cycle the gravel roads in Söderlångvik. For more in­form­a­tion on cyc­ling routes, see the activ­ity map.

Image: Sanna-​Mari Kunttu

Equip­ment hire & guide ser­vices

Ak­tiivisen ja vauh­dikkaan loman viettäminen edellyttää hyviä välineitä. Kemiönsaaressa voit vuokrata ven­een, SUP-​laudan, ka­jakin, kanootin tai polkupyörän! Tässä tietoa yrityksistä, jotka tar­joavat välinevuokrausta.